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ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.


Heyo guys sorry I haven't really been around much recently. I've just been doing stuff. Also, I just want your opinion on some things:

1. I think I might be a Therian
2. What are some ways to show therianthrope without my parents finding out?
3. How do you make a Therian mask?
4. Someone ordered a commission a while back but I never caught their name so I don't know what name to put over it. If anyone knows about this, please talk to me!
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Posted by EverestDownUnder!May 20 2023 Subscribe! OwO

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Heyo guys sorry I haven't really been around much recently. I've just been doing stuff. Also, I just want your opinion on some things:

1. I think I might be a Therian
2. What are some ways to show therianthrope without my parents finding out?
3. How do you make a Therian mask?
4. Someone ordered a commission a while back but I never caught their name so I don't know what name to put over it. If anyone knows about this, please talk to me!

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Reply OwO That would be awesome! Sadly, I do not have a discord account at the moment.
from EverestDownUnder! • Jun 20 2023

I can post some things about it if you want! Also, if you have discord you can dm me! My user is kifeda#9337
from @AngelTheDemonCat • Jun 19 2023

Reply OwO hehe its ok UwU
from EverestDownUnder! • May 21 2023

Reply OwO Awww, I wish I could answer one of your questions but I don’t know much about Therian stoof aside from “werewolf ~p~” hahaha
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 21 2023