ProtoHub the furry protogen ART website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the purpose of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry fandom find and grow that side of the community.

Sentient !

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Hey buddy~

You're awesome! Thanks so much for existing, uwu.

I'm struggling with money right now... and ProtoHub's cost is starting to add up! D:
I just wanted to let you all know about it and that I can't seem to land a job. If ProtoHub shuts down for a little while sometime in the next year, please know I'm doing my best. I'll try not to let that happen!
Keep being the great creatures you are! >:3

Feel free to talk with me about anything on Telegram » or Twitter/X ».

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Let's Play a Game!

I think its horror, not sure, but its fun and you should check it out OwO
this is the game 
Musky Night Fun by YogaindoCR - Games -
30 23

Newest Posts!

I'm making an incredibox mod for everybody on protohub!, but idk where to start -w-

maybe.......can you put what u want to be on the mod and I can make it work!

I need an even amount of every catogory (might not be able to tho -w-)

1 5
QnA anyone? 
will try and answer
1 1 -Vienna by James Mercy -Mortals remix with Tokyo Machine and Boom Kitty
Now with Tokyo.....he look like a protogen....but without a true visor
3 2
pretty please post ur kangaroo oc chip (is that thee name?) I need it for someting
2 3
........*speaks vulpin* yip, yip, vuilp, purr, yip
8 2
I swear I have been alive for this long and all the people close to me still haven't taken the hint...
5 5
7 6
Currently where I'm at! I skied on those mountains yesterday. Maybe not today because today the area is receiving a huge ass blizzard. Aaahhh, Back in Canada, Baby!
I think I was tipsy last night.

Image Credit; Taken by Me a few minutes ago.
Today's Song; KISS ME! (feat Pent Up Pup & salv the dog) - MAILPUP - KISS ME! (feat Pent Up Pup & salv the dog) - 2024
8 5
......ive bit my bf (gently)
5 3
.........yeah im sub :3
8 1
i am candaina! love you  guys!!! zevby loves you gbys a lot!!!  bwahwhwg wwofOWOWWOOF WOOF WOFO GRRAAWWWRRRGGGG WWOOF WOOF MEOW MEOW MEOW~ :33 ~~~~~

im too tired to tags.
no music MSUCI!

crrredit; twiyyter
6 5
urnggg nothing this v day....
happy Valentine's hope u got better.

song-cupid- fifty fifty (lol)
location-Rogers, Arkansas- town (I think) (also the first Walmart was here)

luv u! ♡
11 2

just chat here NwN

song: (115 by Elena siegman and Kevin sherwood
13 7
Doesn't he look cute?
8 1
I'm leaving home tomorrow at 10A to travel back into my home country, Canada!
...For a Ski Trip. I don't like skiing.
Arriving back home upon Monday afternoon.
Also, I got a little something from a friend in class today :3
It's kinda a gay thing I received :3

Image Credit; Discord Gif
Today's Song; Walk - Speedometer - Private (2000)
Zevvy Luvz U!~
9 5
Miata big
8 1
i found anther picture on pinterest
10 2
extraction from a video on scratch, I just don't have the link.
9 0

location of the day-Bogra, Bangladesh- city
8 1
little goobers
7 0
9 2
I found a dancing furry
5 1
this shows how the Sohei is...and why i like this charater is for the Seven-Force Strike (which is the most powerful move with damage in the game that i know of and if you kill with it, it will make the opponents fall with the blade to the ground >:3)
7 1
I need a baddie...
9 0
11 2
i understand it well
13 1
sry about the flash bang, idk y its being wierd
11 3
7 2
this would probably how i would look like
10 3

I'm bored of my profile not representing my main oc.... sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this is my new profile

-location of the day- Khayelitsha in Cape Town (South Africa)- type of location: slum-
11 2
Post something new here! ›

Looooore Section.

I'm making an incredibox mod for everybody on protohub!, but idk where to start -w-

maybe.......can you put what u want to be on the mod and I can make it work!

I need an even amount of every catogory (might not be able to tho -w-)

1 5 -Vienna by James Mercy -Mortals remix with Tokyo Machine and Boom Kitty
Now with Tokyo.....he look like a protogen....but without a true visor
3 2
......ive bit my bf (gently)
5 3
sry about the flash bang, idk y its being wierd
11 3
this would probably how i would look like
10 3
I love it its cool at least to me
9 3
For context, the main character 'Buddy' is based off of me. The character Enzo is entirely fictional. This is a story I started writing and I'm now in love with these characters~
Sorry if it's a bit hard to read lmao
10 4
his name is Mr. Myster, he is also a part of my book im writing ( he doesn't talk, and he has the power to create copies of himself out of ash and dust, he creates them by taking out his pocket watch, letting it tick to the number of how many copies he wants, then puts it away. he's also anti-sexual......he doesn't like people. and he has the same mindset as scp-049, thinking that he is the cure (but in the book there is actually something to be cured, but he's not doing it right :P)

a totally METAL song (deth metal XP): Surround, Kill, Devour - Cannibal Corpse
11 2
lol #LBP
10 0
this isnt how i want it to look but it is gonna make it to where this fursona wears masks to change emotions (also is gonna just be a comic/book sona)
14 1
17 2

song mention:
15 0
oki so quick announcment! me and takeshi.....r getting "engaged". i put "" becuase its online, but whenever were both of age, we would be together alr, sooo..yeh! ^w^
17 6
lol Tom
14 0
f in the chat  lolololololololololololololololollololololloolololollollollollolololollololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
10 1
How my Fursona is like this is for these reasons: Im part Japanese, red and black are my favorite colors, im a red hair person (why im a fox and has ruffled hair)
11 5
I'm more of an inside 3-tailed kitsune then outside and also lazy and lays on top of thing for cuddles.
12 1

(listen while looking at pic)
7 2
"lets have some fun"
13 3
1. a protogen that I wont name yet, bisexual, dating someone (hopefully), male

2. Brett, male, a femboy calico cat, dating diino

3. diino, a dino nuggie, trans, pansexual, dating Brett, (lol I'm technically dating myself X3)

4. Kelly, a cute panda, female, single 0wu

p.s I posted a nsfw...
13 3
17 3
Poro from changed is a Mal0!!!
18 6
Name: Xavier Brooks
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Xavier is a Black male with shoulder-length dreads and a lean, athletic build, standing at 5'11". He typically wears black Nike hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers. His dark brown eyes are calm and collected, and he has a strong jawline with a bit of stubble.

Xavier is laid-back, cool-headed, and reserved. He has a dry sense of humor and can be sarcastic, but he’s loyal and protective of his friends. Despite his initial dislike for furries, he becomes friends with Amara, appreciating her personality and unique perspective. Over time, he becomes more open and caring, especially toward her.

Xavier is skilled at staying calm under pressure and enjoys solving problems. He values his bond with Amara and their friendship, despite the differences in their worlds.
13 5
NiteShade Next Gen is here!
15 7
HAI sooo yah I made an OC lol here she is. her name is Amara Okoye. Amara Okoye is an eighteen-year-old furry who has lived in the furry world all her life. With a bubbly and friendly personality, she’s well-liked by her friends but can get snarky when the situation calls for it. Known for her beauty and very curly hair, Amara is also a talented artist, often drawing for her friends to capture their personalities or special moments. She feels completely at home in the furry world, where she’s built strong connections and embraced her feline traits, such as independence, agility, and curiosity. Amara’s playful nature and her loyalty to her friends make her a beloved member of the furry community, and she’s always there to help others adapt to the world she knows so well.
17 5
The lore behind my fursona. It's long, but I think it's really good.
13 10
Meet the god of existence himself, Rainbow the protogen
Rainbow is portrayed as a common protogen (60% organic), in a black cloak and red scarf, and smells distinctly of raspberry. Recognizable by his thick black fur, powerful tail, and piercing red eyes partially hidden by the shadow of his hood. Standing near him is known to fill you with a distant sense of dread. 

Rainbow, being the god of existence, can turn other entities into gods themselves. He lives in an infinite white expanse devoid of time known as the Void, where he resides with his acquaintances; Grim, Leaf, Hunter, Pyro, Torrent, Gust, Andesite, and Steele. 

Rainbow can do quite literally anything with a snap of his fingers, giving him absolute control over everything. Rainbow is capable of travelling through dimensions at his own will, making him a transdimensional being, and omnipresent.

Known to be aloof and uncaring of the acts of mortals, he rather finds enjoyment in bothering mortals or killing thousands.
15 17
I did a bunch of posts on the story on my old acc
13 1
Ophi is his name and is a sharpshooter, plus I would most likely make him a fursona.
13 13
If you wanna join a group of somewhat acceptable beings, then comment down below, I shall post the second book of the encore arc here! (me and grim finished the first book)

here's da link to da story:
9 3

Slightly Older Posts

My gf
17 5
And I’m ready to have fun!
27 17
15 1
20 5
Haven't had time to post lol
15 1
She my fav
13 4
Idk if it’s temporary but..
21 15
My life is ruined
12 2
29 18
Sorry, my chromebook does this weird thing where it’ll automatically post the same thing twice
18 3
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o3o.. tons of posts.

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