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A Horror Game I Found on

I think its horror, not sure, but its fun and you should check it out OwO
this is the game 
Musky Night Fun by YogaindoCR - Games -
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Posted by PeanutBUTTERMay 28 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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I think its horror, not sure, but its fun and you should check it out OwO
this is the game
Musky Night Fun by YogaindoCR - Games -

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Reply OwO I just played a little bit, it's interesting! I'm gonna keep playing.

Also the grammar.

"I need a stairs to reach this"
from CottynCandi • Aug 19 2024

Reply OwO cool!
from PeanutBUTTER • Jun 10 2024

Reply OwO oh wait I recognize this game!
I remember Neco the Sergal playing it once :D
from MG3 • May 30 2024

Reply OwO people be careful for spamming the E button when ur talking to random people as it can cause all the buttons the become unresponsive
unless its just a skill issue
from PeanutBUTTER • May 30 2024

Reply OwO If you'd like to play the game here on ProtoHub you can! :D
There are some tips you'll need to keep in mind though! The "E" button is super important! And if you don't have a keyboard, you'll need to go to settings in the game and swich it to mobile uwu.
Here's the game on ProtoHub:
Support the creator if you like da game >:3:
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 29 2024

Reply OwO That seems like an awesome game! I'll add a link to it so others can check it out! >:3
Link to game:
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 29 2024

Reply OwO Musky?!?! XD
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 29 2024

Reply OwO I love the glitch effect!!!
from EverestDownUnder! • May 28 2024