ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

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PeanutBUTTER @peanut

wassup. He/him, mentally stable, or am i? *Vsauce.mp3*


PeanutBUTTER's newest posts

join my new discord server! 
8 0
UNIT 4376 info: UNIT 4376 or referred to as "Peanut" is a small, skinny, fluffy, but friendly outgoing PROTOGEN unit , This unit wants to explore the universe around him, He loves stars and the rain, but he is shy around other units and even most staff, because of this he mostly hides in the dark and the night, avoiding others...
17 5
im a bit shocked and afraid after ZervasDeity post. 
you know i am deeply afraid Death, and well im afraid
im not happy at the moment, im afraid for ZervasDeity 
this pfp is how i am feeling (its AI art of my fursona) 
not depressed, just not happy. . . 
 just afraid. . .
19 12
the furry on the left is an arctic fox called Andrew
and the thing on the right is called The Demon of Smiles (friend helped name it)
more lore for him soon
more art for Andrew also coming soon
19 4
I think its horror, not sure, but its fun and you should check it out OwO
this is the game 
Musky Night Fun by YogaindoCR - Games -
20 7
Fear, is and always will be a natural thing that occurs. whether we like it or not. . .  

MY biggest Fears are: Death, and the things that hide in the dark.

I'm afraid of Death because I'm afraid of what lies after life. I'm i a ghost?, is my Jesus loving friend right and i go to heaven or will i end up in the darkest pit of hell? or perhaps am i just gone? forever without even a trace of conscience left, or is it all a loop? 

And I'm afraid of What Is Hiding In The Dark for kind of the same reason: whats there? is it just furniture? a chair? some toys? the dark and your own mind messing with you? or something much more sinister. . .?

Most of us are afraid of things because we are afraid of the unknown, and the not knowing the unknown can drive some people crazy

And so I may ask you the question you might have asked yourself. . . . . 

W̸̘̃hats Your B̶͊iggest Fea̶͋͜r̵͎͐s̵̞͝ ?
22 11
. . . yay
22 2
Oh ya forgot to mention that i have a youtube channel

go subscribe pls and also dont forget to support my friends!!!

24 3
…owie XP pain not very fun
16 1
imgoing to fnaf movie with hockey buddies FINALY
16 1
yay!! i can actually draw using pencil and paper now!!!!
17 3
i think all fnaf nerds will know what I was.........But for those who don't I was being William Afton wearing the Spring Bonnie costume 

(sorry for being late on spooky month post) 

(happy late last day of spooky month)
21 5
sooo i started playing war thunder and welll.... 
you can kind of just see for your self -_-

(that does not look very safe)
14 0
C͌Lͫ_̅̎Ḯ̢̝̹̮̫̩̬͈̄̓̑C̵̦̹̟̳̰͚̩̞͖̝̥͇̲͗ͧ̍ͪ̎K̜͙̾̅̑͐̾͘_̛͚ Ç̮͖̘ͨͥ̇̽͌̉̏̑͒_LͦĬ͕̻̻͗Č̷̪̖̎̉͠͝ͅK̛̘͇̹̝̍ͬ͟͞ C̷̞̲̑ͥ̆͡L̯̀̄͛͑͌͞ͅI̵̡̠̬ͥ̀̔̽̕̕͜C̶̶̞̘̙̱̼͋̆̀͌͆ͭ̀KC͌Lͫ_̅̎Ḯ̢̝̹̮̫̩̬͈̄̓̑C̵̦̹̟̳̰͚̩̞͖̝̥͇̲͗ͧ̍ͪ̎K̜͙̾̅̑͐̾͘_̛͚ Ç̮͖̘ͨͥ̇̽͌̉̏̑͒_LͦĬ͕̻̻͗Č̷̪̖̎̉͠͝ͅK̛̘͇̹̝̍ͬ͟͞ C̷̞̲̑ͥ̆͡L̯̀̄͛͑͌͞ͅI̵̡̠̬ͥ̀̔̽̕̕͜C̶̶̞̘̙̱̼͋̆̀͌͆ͭ̀KC͌Lͫ_̅̎Ḯ̢̝̹̮̫̩̬͈̄̓̑C̵̦̹̟̳̰͚̩̞͖̝̥͇̲͗ͧ̍ͪ̎K̜͙̾̅̑͐̾͘_̛͚ Ç̮͖̘ͨͥ̇̽͌̉̏̑͒_LͦĬ͕̻̻͗Č̷̪̖̎̉͠͝ͅK̛̘͇̹̝̍ͬ͟͞ C̷̞̲̑ͥ̆͡L̯̀̄͛͑͌͞ͅI̵̡̠̬ͥ̀̔̽̕̕͜C̶̶̞̘̙̱̼͋̆̀͌͆ͭ̀KC͌Lͫ_̅̎Ḯ̢̝̹̮̫̩̬͈̄̓̑C̵̦̹̟̳̰͚̩̞͖̝̥͇̲͗ͧ̍ͪ̎K̜͙̾̅̑͐̾͘_̛͚ Ç̮͖̘ͨͥ̇̽͌̉̏̑͒_LͦĬ͕̻̻͗Č̷̪̖̎̉͠͝ͅK̛̘͇̹̝̍ͬ͟͞
19 5
:( click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
20 1
so i made this and it it turned out better then i thought :)
23 3
click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
21 2
click click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click clickclick click
19 1
so heres an attempt of my protogen Peanut!!!

20 6

PeanutBUTTER's slightly older posts

OwO, it's a rare user that hasn't posted!!
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o3o.. tons more posts.

Shop Stuff? »