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ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

W̸̘̃hats Your B̶͊iggest Fea̶͋͜r̵͎͐s̵̞͝

Fear, is and always will be a natural thing that occurs. whether we like it or not. . .  

MY biggest Fears are: Death, and the things that hide in the dark.

I'm afraid of Death because I'm afraid of what lies after life. I'm i a ghost?, is my Jesus loving friend right and i go to heaven or will i end up in the darkest pit of hell? or perhaps am i just gone? forever without even a trace of conscience left, or is it all a loop? 

And I'm afraid of What Is Hiding In The Dark for kind of the same reason: whats there? is it just furniture? a chair? some toys? the dark and your own mind messing with you? or something much more sinister. . .?

Most of us are afraid of things because we are afraid of the unknown, and the not knowing the unknown can drive some people crazy

And so I may ask you the question you might have asked yourself. . . . . 

W̸̘̃hats Your B̶͊iggest Fea̶͋͜r̵͎͐s̵̞͝ ?
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Posted by PeanutBUTTERMay 24 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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Fear, is and always will be a natural thing that occurs. whether we like it or not. . .

MY biggest Fears are: Death, and the things that hide in the dark.

I'm afraid of Death because I'm afraid of what lies after life. I'm i a ghost?, is my Jesus loving friend right and i go to heaven or will i end up in the darkest pit of hell? or perhaps am i just gone? forever without even a trace of conscience left, or is it all a loop?

And I'm afraid of What Is Hiding In The Dark for kind of the same reason: whats there? is it just furniture? a chair? some toys? the dark and your own mind messing with you? or something much more sinister. . .?

Most of us are afraid of things because we are afraid of the unknown, and the not knowing the unknown can drive some people crazy

And so I may ask you the question you might have asked yourself. . . . .

W̸̘̃hats Your B̶͊iggest Fea̶͋͜r̵͎͐s̵̞͝ ?

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Reply OwO yes it keeps me up at night
from EverestDownUnder! • May 28 2024

Reply OwO that sounds very gruesome and horrifying
from PeanutBUTTER • May 28 2024

Reply OwO I have a phobia of eye mutilation known as ommetaphobia, basically I am afraid that I will rip out my eyes or smth like that. TwT
I'm also afraid of large concrete structures such as standing in a big empty pool or under a bridge.
from EverestDownUnder! • May 28 2024

Reply OwO Death but that's slowly easing
from Whiteyleproot82 • May 25 2024

Reply OwO that’s definitely a lot! :0
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 25 2024

Reply OwO creepy! :0
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 25 2024

Reply OwO omg hahaha XD
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 25 2024

Reply OwO Hmm… maybe… hmm… I don’t know how to describe it… but imagine a really thicccc, needle with an incredibly sharp tip stabbing your brain XD. That’s probably mine haha
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • May 25 2024

Reply OwO abandonment, heights, the unknown, ect. ect. there's too many to be healthy
from Aphr0dite • May 24 2024

from iondapwotogen • May 24 2024

Reply OwO Being Stalked
from ZervasDeity • May 24 2024