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what is the name of this little goober that shows up in the corner of your screen and talks to you

and if they don't have a name, what do we name them
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Posted by pinguAug 17 2023 Subscribe! OwO

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and if they don't have a name, what do we name them

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Reply OwO goob
from bye bye • 3d

Reply OwO my name Mr.cheese
from Crystal • Jul 22 2024

Reply OwO I call it cookiefrost
from claydragon1212 • Jun 04 2024

Reply OwO Little Bean
from RainbowtheProtogen • Feb 05 2024

Reply OwO I'd normally call him little goober or Tim
from Whiteyleproot82 • Oct 19 2023

Reply OwO oh and I call it Bob or Gary or Larry or...


.....and finally Mr.Cheese
from PeanutBUTTER • Aug 20 2023

Reply OwO I wonder what the error is o3o
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • Aug 19 2023

Reply OwO Hehehe, I'm pretty sure I named them ProtoP13 uwu
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • Aug 19 2023

Reply OwO welcome!
from EverestDownUnder! • Aug 18 2023

Reply OwO i just started existing here like two seconds ago :)
from PeanutBUTTER • Aug 18 2023

from @AngelTheDemonCat • Aug 18 2023