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vet loge #2 part 1

"I guess I was running from something trying to get away. to be honest.,I should have run in the opposite direction"

I heard the y6 was the most prominent and wealthiest city  in the UPR building that touched the stars itself 

wene we got there all I could see was a heap of rouble and twisted steel
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Posted by HazelTheProtogenDec 08 2022 Subscribe! OwO

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"I guess I was running from something trying to get away. to be honest.,I should have run in the opposite direction"

I heard the y6 was the most prominent and wealthiest city in the UPR building that touched the stars itself

wene we got there all I could see was a heap of rouble and twisted steel

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Reply OwO Epic
from Rio Protogen • Dec 08 2022

Reply OwO one of the medice aks of my help "I need you to grab this man feet"
the protogen was horribly brund pulled out of t burning building
the flesh form his lages just peeled. i could feel his ancle bones and tendents
in the pulm of my hands
from HazelTheProtogen • Dec 08 2022

Reply OwO i reamber the wouned, the cries of pain still hount me to this day
and the dead the voiser where black as night there was so many of them 1,000 laid on the grown moun and rieving in pain
from HazelTheProtogen • Dec 08 2022

Reply OwO the kaltovics bombarded the plant for orbit and once the city was destroyed
their ground force landed on the sirfes of y6 we where sluatered
from HazelTheProtogen • Dec 08 2022

Reply OwO Awwww, I wonder what happened to it! D:
from Cyro The Otter Dragon • Dec 08 2022