ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

STORYYYYYYYYYYYYY! (u can add on if u want)

Clay watched as kids scrambled through the streets to get handfuls of candy that were being thrown from the parade floats. To him, this was generally disgusting behavior. Especially when he saw them shove each other and trample over smaller children just to get more. Clay's crimson red tail swished, and a mean, twisted, toothy smile spread across his face. His claws flexed as he prepared to turn the whole fun into chaos and violence if they didn't learn to share and play nicely.

Children of all ages and even adults shoveled candy down their throats—kind of like that was their last meal. Who said it wasn't?
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A Story

Posted by claydragon1212Jun 06 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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Clay watched as kids scrambled through the streets to get handfuls of candy that were being thrown from the parade floats. To him, this was generally disgusting behavior. Especially when he saw them shove each other and trample over smaller children just to get more. Clay's crimson red tail swished, and a mean, twisted, toothy smile spread across his face. His claws flexed as he prepared to turn the whole fun into chaos and violence if they didn't learn to share and play nicely.

Children of all ages and even adults shoveled candy down their throats—kind of like that was their last meal. Who said it wasn't?

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Reply OwO Clay dives behind a large green dumpster, as the police start to gain on him, the stench of the garbage couldnt even affect him for fear had already taken him.
from PeanutBUTTER • Jun 08 2024

Reply OwO //gun fire sprays anyone and everyone one who not fast enough, or just lucky enough to dive down into the lower half and the trench, Clay hears shouting and screaming and then a deafening blast which knocked him over like a rag doll, he lets out a cry of pain, barley, for he is starting to hyperventilate, bombs fall over head out of enemy aircraft, falling closer and closer and then//

from PeanutBUTTER • Jun 08 2024

Reply OwO Clay fell to his knees and buried his face with bloody paws.
All of a sudden, out nowhere, or is it just because of his state of shock it seems like, there are sirens everywhere, blinding red and blue flashes everywhere
"oh shit" Clay gasps "the alley" he finishes with a whisper,
from PeanutBUTTER • Jun 08 2024

Reply OwO He then looks around, shocked at what horror he has accomplished, then to his paws, stained with the blood of innocent children and men and women.
"W-what have i done. . ." he whispers into the silence of past screams, the terror of the dead burned into his retinas.

from PeanutBUTTER • Jun 08 2024

Reply OwO His eyes clouded with hatred, the insolent beings looked like mere entities before Clay. With a deep guttural growl, he leaped from the crowd into the mob, prepared to show these witless humans the error of their ways..... permanently. Blinded by rage Clay tears through the masses showing no mercy, leaving screams of terror and pain in his wake.

Just an idea for the next part! :3
from EverestDownUnder! • Jun 06 2024