ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

I need ideas

what do you think I should draw on Kylow?
what should he wear?
what should he be doing?
I need some ideas! >:3
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Posted by MG3May 30 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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what do you think I should draw on Kylow?
what should he wear?
what should he be doing?
I need some ideas! >:3

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Reply OwO Hmm, let’s see………………………………………………….
*modem sounds*
Error 404: ideas not found yet.. :(
from iondapwotogen • Jun 03 2024

Reply OwO War, a massive solar system scale war,
a pilot on terraformed mars
flying a f-2252 kronorapter (basically a mix of a f-22 and a AV-8B Harrier II)
escorting a convoy of 75 m45 Abram IIs and 40 SPAA tanks
And defending them from enemy dive bomber
from PeanutBUTTER • May 31 2024

Reply OwO anybody else have ideas?
from MG3 • May 31 2024

Reply OwO nice, that's a good one
from MG3 • May 31 2024

Reply OwO Wear: Hoodie, cargo pants
Doing: Skateboarding
Background: City
from EverestDownUnder! • May 30 2024