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Posted by diino da dino-nuggie • 2d ago Subscribe! OwO
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*says with heavy southern accent* there can only be one German floof in this town *stern look*
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Reply OwO I'm better at side-arms
from diino da dino-nuggie
• 1d
Reply OwO I'm more of a luger kind of guy, maybe a m1911, who knows? maybe I'll take u up and the BAR.....
from diino da dino-nuggie
• 1d
Reply OwO Xin chào, tại sao lại có một cuộc chiến phương Tây về người Đức và tôi, người cũng là một phần của người Đức?
from TakeshiKagekenMitsuguDaimyo
• 1d
Reply OwO
All I need is an Italian B1 Centauro Anti-Tank vehicle.
from Zevvy the Pupstar
• 1d
Reply OwO ww1/2 reference
from PeanutBUTTER
• 1d
Reply OwO just use a königstiger
from PeanutBUTTER
• 1d
Reply OwO
Storm Troopers? I can just inject insulin into my bloodstream and paralyze myself and they'd still miss every shot upon me.
from Zevvy the Pupstar
• 1d
Reply OwO German eh? Well maybe its time for the good ol' Storm Troopers to return with our Can of Beans! >:3
from PeanutBUTTER
• 1d
Reply OwO Подумайте, сер, скільки разів я падав.
I don't speak only Deutsch, Dummkopf.
Духи використовують мене!
Ati, Mo tun sọ Norwegian. Bakannaa, kini iwọ yoo ṣe? .44 Magnum mi?
No, No no no, Stop pretending bro! You need just a LITTLE MORE.
How about a Maschinengewehr-3? Nein? Uhh...M1819 BAR. No? The classic Double Barrel. NO?? Fine! Take a United States B-28 Thermonuclear Ballistic Missile! Nerd! X3 X3 X3
from Zevvy the Pupstar
• 2d
Reply OwO idk y the tag didn't work :P
from diino da dino-nuggie
• 2d