Tasks Cyro's getting done!! >:3

Allow video posts.
Video posts will allow users to create and upload furry videos!

(I know that other task said it was prolly the hardest... but this task is definitly harder XP)
(requested by Everest Folf)

This task includes:

Research into video storage. (complete >:3)

Research into video uploading.

Research into video compression.

Adding video uploading support to the API.

Adding video post getting support to the API.

Designing the UI/UX of how videos will work around the site.

Designing the UI/UX of the upload page.

Designing the UI/UX of the video post page.

Implementing the UI/UX of videos posts around the site.

Implementing the UI/UX of the upload page.

Implementing the UI/UX of the video post page.
Allow descriptionless posts.
Descriptionless posts won't help users find posts easier when the new search engine is live since there will be less information to search for! D:

I'll add this feature if enough users reeeealy want it hehe uwu
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Adding support for an empty description in the API.

Adding support for an empty description in the front-end.

Beta testing.
Add likes notifications.
Likes notifications will hopefully promote more liking of posts! Hehe ^w^
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Adding detection for likes.

Creating notification requests.

Beta testing.
New search engine with tags.
A new search engine will help everyone see any post on ProtoHub, without having to look for a page that might have it displayed by chance! >:3

(this is prolly the biggest update haha)
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Designing the UI/UX of the new search engine. (complete >:3)

Implementing the UI/UX. (complete >:3)

Structuring the search algorithms.

Implementing the search algorithms in the API.

Tying the front-end with the API.

Beta testing.
Allow the deletion of posts.
Deleting posts will help users be more confident when posting, and will allow them to take down out of date content! :D
(requested by Green Fur)
(requested by Foxster19)

This task includes:

Adding support for post deletion in the API. (complete >:3)

Beta testing the API (complete >:3)

Designing the UI/UX

Implementing the UI/UX.

Beta testing the UI/UX
Add a chat room.
A chat room will help users connect!
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Creating a database. (all wrapped up hehe ~u~)

Creating a chat API. (that was a hard o3o)

Beta testing. (phew, glad that's over~)

Check out the finished project!! ›
Add notifications when users gain subscribers.
Notifications when you get a subscriber will help users keep track of and get exited about new subscribers!! :D
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Adding detection for subscriptions. (complete >:3)

Creating notification requests.

Beta testing.
Add notifications when users are @'ed.
Notifications when someone @’s you will help everyone keep track of what's going on!
(requested by Green Fur)

This task includes:

Adding detection for @'s. (complete >:3)

Creating notification requests.

Beta testing.
Allow users to see ProtoHub progress in real time!
Allowing users to see ProtoHub progress in real time is just kinda cool, hehe ~u~.

This task includes:

Designing the UI/UX. (Woooooo :D)

Implementing the UI/UX. (Yusss >:3)

Adding the tasks data. (heck yeah! ^w^)

Beta Testing. (let's goooooo)

Check out the finished project!! ›
That’s all for now! Hehe ^w^