ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

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sorry this isn't protogen related

This needs to be addressed asap we have a proto that recently was feeling like he shouldn't belong on earth I need to get real rq. Everyone deserves to be on this earth we are blessed to be alive and be able to make friends. To be able to have all this technology all of the stuff we have talents and friends and people in our lives. Please don't say you don't want to be on the earth anymore because you can't find anything or one that is perfect for you. you will find someone eventually you will find something you enjoy just please never say you shouldn't be alive. Trust me I understand that feeling I had therapy for a while but things will get better just enjoy your life and have fun try new things make new friends.P.S. sorry for getting real I just wanted to address this since someone was feeling down have a good night friends that I've made or have yet to make.
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Posted by Nelo • Oct 30 2022 Subscribe! OwO

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This needs to be addressed asap we have a proto that recently was feeling like he shouldn't belong on earth I need to get real rq. Everyone deserves to be on this earth we are blessed to be alive and be able to make friends. To be able to have all this technology all of the stuff we have talents and friends and people in our lives. Please don't say you don't want to be on the earth anymore because you can't find anything or one that is perfect for you. you will find someone eventually you will find something you enjoy just please never say you shouldn't be alive. Trust me I understand that feeling I had therapy for a while but things will get better just enjoy your life and have fun try new things make new friends.
P.S. sorry for getting real I just wanted to address this since someone was feeling down have a good night friends that I've made or have yet to make.

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don't mention it were here for you 110% man
from Nelo

Just know that you belong, and no matter what, we will be here for you. Nobody wants to ever feel like this, and we will do our best to help you through this.
from Hertz

Thanks guys….. that meant a lot to me….
from YukioBoreas

pfp is not my art just a symbol of the fact that I'm here for anyone that needs anyone to talk to or just an E-hug
from Nelo

yes I agree with that I had to go through therapy for a while and those thoughts were part of the reason I had therapy so I know how they are feeling I just don't want people to go through that stuff alone
from Nelo

I understand, just want them to know that they aren’t alone and we’re all here to help
from Midi

also anyone who reads this and needs to vent just lemme know I also put it in my bio but I'm here for anyone who needs someone to vent to
from Nelo

I already let them know i made this but thank you for making sure they got this
from Nelo

from Midi