This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.
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This reminds me what I used to sing whenever my calico was in a box "It's a cat in a Box!"
from Monety
they wont
from Valerie
they are the box
from Rio Protogen
it was supposed to be a shipment
from Valerie
from Valerie
didn't think of that...
from Valerie
D'awwwww, so cute!!
from Cyro The Otter Dragon
yass adorable i need a box now
from Eclipse
hehe funny
from Nelo
They are so cute... one question though, how are they going to get out of the box?
from Diegochh