ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

Yep, definitely a fangirl. +bonus claw machine friend

Yeah, ummm...
I got the Shadow plush from a claw machine at Dave and Buster's... Or so I tried to.
I used ALL OF MY TOKENS. ALL OF THEM. Didn't get it.
And my brother got the exact one first try.
Next thing you know, I am crying. So my brother, very kindly is like: "You know what? Here, have it."
And then I'm like still crying but happy tears, then I calm down. I just couldn't get over the thing I just freaking recieved.
I texted Rio yesterday and said "juicy feet" with a cursed picture of my forehead. He'll tell you, in fact since my parents blocked anything not school related on my phone, I can try to convince him to post it for me since the picture isn't on here, it's on my phone.
BTW this message is for Cyro:
Are you the owner of Protohub or something, because all of a sudden you are very popular within the Protohub community. When I looked it up your Twitter showed up or something. 
Anyways, have a fluffing good day y'all!
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Posted by AngelTheDemonCatFeb 27 2023

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Yeah, ummm...
I got the Shadow plush from a claw machine at Dave and Buster's... Or so I tried to.
I used ALL OF MY TOKENS. ALL OF THEM. Didn't get it.
And my brother got the exact one first try.
Next thing you know, I am crying. So my brother, very kindly is like: "You know what? Here, have it."
And then I'm like still crying but happy tears, then I calm down. I just couldn't get over the thing I just freaking recieved.
I texted Rio yesterday and said "juicy feet" with a cursed picture of my forehead. He'll tell you, in fact since my parents blocked anything not school related on my phone, I can try to convince him to post it for me since the picture isn't on here, it's on my phone.
BTW this message is for Cyro:
Are you the owner of Protohub or something, because all of a sudden you are very popular within the Protohub community. When I looked it up your Twitter showed up or something.
Anyways, have a fluffing good day y'all!

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Also, if you are wondering why I scribbled my face, it's cause' I prefer to wear my therian masks while posting to make me feel more comfortable. And I just like y'all to see my cute little animal masks!
from @AngelTheDemonCat • Feb 27 2023