This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.
Posted by TakeshiKagekenMitsuguDaimyo • Sep 26 2024 Subscribe! OwO
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He was known as a half protogen due to him being only 20% than 40% robot. He learned all the martial arts of samurai and learned every situation to a fight. He was called warrior but the creators decided to make it more different and call him Takeshi to make others see him more intimidating and knowing his swords can cut through anything (even Bestskar from Star Wars). He still trains himself due do his short time memory since he doesn't have a chip in his mind only it to hold important info like a confirmed kill on someone. He added Kage no Ken due to his weaponry and skill of stealth and power of the battlefield. He was sent to earth to protect the people and furries from the evil of the outer rim of space. He also fallowed the Samurai code to where he was polite, honest, and lawful to the people he protects. Though he can take off the mask it is only for intimidation, and he can hardly breath without the mask since he can't breath oxygen, instead he breaths carbon dioxide.
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Reply OwO thanks :3
from TakeshiKagekenMitsuguDaimyo
• Sep 26 2024
Reply OwO Nice lore! :)
from EverestDownUnder!
• Sep 26 2024