ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

The infection (slight gore warning)

The creatures here assembled themselves and disassembled others.

Pointles fun!

Claydragon is a fluffy mix of dragon, fox, and cat.

An infection of another kind.

It's name is Territine Strand 34.

Every anthropromorphic animal that comes into contact with this strand liquifies into a puddle of slime. Leave it alone in the dark for long enough, and you get a new creature—a creature like Claydragon. The same mix of creatures, the same breed, the same strand of Territine.

They turn into cannibals; they eat everything living, same or different species.

But clay was different. His brain never changed. No matter how much time he spent alone in the dark, he never lost his humanity.

But the ferrals.

They were pure savages, driven only by their primal instincts to consume.
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Posted by claydragon1212Jun 03 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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The creatures here assembled themselves and disassembled others.

Pointles fun!

Claydragon is a fluffy mix of dragon, fox, and cat.

An infection of another kind.

It's name is Territine Strand 34.

Every anthropromorphic animal that comes into contact with this strand liquifies into a puddle of slime. Leave it alone in the dark for long enough, and you get a new creature—a creature like Claydragon. The same mix of creatures, the same breed, the same strand of Territine.

They turn into cannibals; they eat everything living, same or different species.

But clay was different. His brain never changed. No matter how much time he spent alone in the dark, he never lost his humanity.

But the ferrals.

They were pure savages, driven only by their primal instincts to consume.

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Reply OwO Thanks!
from claydragon1212 • Jun 04 2024

Reply OwO Nice lore!
from EverestDownUnder! • Jun 03 2024

Reply OwO We all fall down, don't we?
from claydragon1212 • Jun 03 2024