ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

Vera (WoF)

Welp, I need somewhere to post my WoF stuff (I have blocks on my computer cause it's for sChOoL, so I can't get on my DA), so Imma post it here for now. So here's Vera!
More About Her:
She/Her| Omnisexual| RainWing
Vera is very aggressive, thus her necklace has been Animus enchanted to keep her calm. She lost her arm to a fight between her, Yucca (ref soon), and Arid (ref soon), which lead her to get angry, lash out at Aspen (ref soon), cause her to spit venom on him while he panicked and breathed fire on her, and long story short, she lost her best friend. She has her own book while also making a prolonged appearance in my *very* long fanfic, Three Moons (prologue soon).
|Base by TheQuack3n On DeviantArt (DA)|
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Posted by Aphr0diteNov 11 2023 Subscribe! OwO

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Welp, I need somewhere to post my WoF stuff (I have blocks on my computer cause it's for sChOoL, so I can't get on my DA), so Imma post it here for now. So here's Vera!
More About Her:
She/Her| Omnisexual| RainWing
Vera is very aggressive, thus her necklace has been Animus enchanted to keep her calm. She lost her arm to a fight between her, Yucca (ref soon), and Arid (ref soon), which lead her to get angry, lash out at Aspen (ref soon), cause her to spit venom on him while he panicked and breathed fire on her, and long story short, she lost her best friend. She has her own book while also making a prolonged appearance in my *very* long fanfic, Three Moons (prologue soon).
|Base by TheQuack3n On DeviantArt (DA)|

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Reply OwO noice! This is cute :3

from EverestDownUnder! • Nov 11 2023