ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

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RikoIsUnavailable @RikoIsUnavailable

Discord:riko8210 /16y brazilian asperger protogen


RikoIsUnavailable's newest posts

hey ya, it's been quite some time since I last posted, I've on been on a hiatus since December to relieve some academic stress from school (also cuz the pen I used to draw on ibispaint broke) but know high school is back and now maybe now I'll return to draw more frequently -3-
21 2
since december is close, I decided to do a simple festive edit on pfp for later :3

also I finally noticed and fixed the discord tag on my bio so now yall can actually add me now -w-||
19 3
front facing protos are cursed...

this time I attempted to draw with more thin lives, this came WAY better than I expected to be ^w^
20 1
still idk why thoses compressions happen
17 5
yes, my sona is a proto deer hubrid
17 9
why you so mean to such a silly little creature?
16 4
send him ram and boops or he will send in the nukes :3
16 1
also get jumpscared lol
19 3
hey ya guys, I wanna talk so more…

recently I have been really unmotivated to draw, and my skill seem to be just getting worse and worse each time, I basically can’t draw anything without a heavy reference or just straight up tracing at all… :<

and that online art school I’ve been trying is ass… TmT
19 0
so, i have never been a social person, i had a very few number of friends, and it just so happens that my best pal (the one that i did that animated gift from some posts ago) is going offline for a undefined amount of time, he said that he si doing this cuz he did something terrible and is paying the price for it, so he starting from the zero, he did said thta he WILL come back, but for now he is gone for a unknown amount of time, so i basically have no one to talk with now :<
18 3
Reminder to myself that pixel art is not my thing
20 3
a gift that I made for my mutual raykkonsol (the proot on the left)

i REALLY hope the gif compression doesn’t fuck this up >m<
20 2
all my friends are in there -w-
18 1
also first post here lol
17 4

RikoIsUnavailable's slightly older posts

OwO, it's a rare user that hasn't posted!!
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o3o.. tons more posts.

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