ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

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ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

sort of venting

so, i have never been a social person, i had a very few number of friends, and it just so happens that my best pal (the one that i did that animated gift from some posts ago) is going offline for a undefined amount of time, he said that he si doing this cuz he did something terrible and is paying the price for it, so he starting from the zero, he did said thta he WILL come back, but for now he is gone for a unknown amount of time, so i basically have no one to talk with now :<
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Mental Health Aweareness

Posted by RikoIsUnavailableSep 03 2023 Subscribe! OwO

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so, i have never been a social person, i had a very few number of friends, and it just so happens that my best pal (the one that i did that animated gift from some posts ago) is going offline for a undefined amount of time, he said that he si doing this cuz he did something terrible and is paying the price for it, so he starting from the zero, he did said thta he WILL come back, but for now he is gone for a unknown amount of time, so i basically have no one to talk with now :<

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Reply OwO yall can add me on discord if you guys are interested :<
from RikoIsUnavailable • Sep 03 2023

Reply OwO thanks man, its hard for me to make friends :<
from RikoIsUnavailable • Sep 03 2023

Reply OwO You can talk with me 🥺
from Rio Protogen • Sep 03 2023