ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

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Matrix @AidenJamesYt

15 y/o furry w/ too many fursonas lmao | I was one of the first site members :D

Twitter: @MatrixTheFolf

Matrix's newest posts

good news! Turns out that it isn’t as bad as they thought. I’m going through extensive chemo and will hopefully be cancer free within a few years.
22 2
Unfortunately I have lung cancer, and the doctors estimated I have a bit of time left. These past few years on here have been the best years of my life. Thank you all for keeping me going. Now, my time is running out, so I’m likely gonna go forever offline as I try to finish up my bucket list. It’s been a good run, guys.
17 15
19 1
please… I bet you… I need that wish…
18 2

Matrix's slightly older posts

It’s funi
24 3
Guess who’s back
Guess who’s back

18 6
Proto food from ancient times lol
27 8
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o3o.. tons more posts.

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