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ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

R.I.P. Romeo the wolf

Hey, I just went to Jueno (june-o) Alaska. I've been on a princess cruise ship for a few days and I listened to this popular author named Nick Jans talk about Romeo a friendly black wolf, I just wanted to spread this memory science it's something that should be known.
in summary, Nick was walking his dog and a black wolf aproched them, it did't leave when the dog started barking and when it was within petting distance it started being all playful, later the wolf got named Romeo and it would normally come to Jueno to play with all the dogs, and so everyone knows this wolf is no threat and they even like him. then one day some poachers came and shot him. 
yeah that's the 7 year life of Romeo in summary.
Rip Romeo,
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Posted by CrystalJun 30 2024 Subscribe! OwO

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Hey, I just went to Jueno (june-o) Alaska. I've been on a princess cruise ship for a few days and I listened to this popular author named Nick Jans talk about Romeo a friendly black wolf, I just wanted to spread this memory science it's something that should be known.
in summary, Nick was walking his dog and a black wolf aproched them, it did't leave when the dog started barking and when it was within petting distance it started being all playful, later the wolf got named Romeo and it would normally come to Jueno to play with all the dogs, and so everyone knows this wolf is no threat and they even like him. then one day some poachers came and shot him.
yeah that's the 7 year life of Romeo in summary.
Rip Romeo,

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