ProtoHub the furry protogen art website!

This is ProtoHub, the absolute best place for protogen happy art, synth art, and G.E.M. art!!
ProtoHub is an image posting website for the furry community, with the pourposte of helping mehcanical / electrical furries share art and to help the furry community find and grow that side of the community.

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Whiteyschetvtory82 @Whiteyschetvtory82

Whitey's alt account


Whiteyschetvtory82's newest posts

does this mean I have to do the same thing to Whitey Diamondswerth? I mean I already have Technic, (a redesigned version. Which will be posted on my main go check it out!)
18 2
boi wasn't valentine's day a shitty day. anyways whats good my original gangsters? or my Original toasters?
22 3
well valentine's day is tomorrow in the good 'ol USA, it is a day that I truly hate with a passion, you cannot change my mind. main reason is that Valentine's day is when Im not only the most depressed and jealous person, it's also when im most envious, so imma be absent tomorrow trying to not kms over jealousy.
11 6
Im thinking about starting up a new yt channel mainly around Hazbin Hotel impersonations for anyone that wants help for anything like memes. my main impersonations would be around 
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
and any other male character.
Guten tag, Auf wiedersehen!
12 4
I have never captioned a picture so perfect in all my life, but anyways so your not alone imma drop my real name.
I go by Preston
13 9
hopefully the links will work, Im gonna put some down for my Eiserner Sturm Series.
book 1
book 3
book 4
9 6
so funny story, I lost my phone because I mentioned I had Instagram. dad was getting onto me for joking around with one of my friends with me saying "Why do I find protogens kinda hot tho?" or "I beat it to protogens and only protogens" dad went through my messages and saw these, he took the masturbation admission pretty well, he took everything pretty well until I mentioned I was on instagram, he took my phone, tried breaking it, and almost broke my knee lol, anyways, I lost my phone because I was on insta, simple comes to simple.
13 2
I found this on my desktop while looking for a wallpaper, I tried putting it on and it messed up on me, it kept on going low quality and blocky, so I figured why not hand it to yall? the original creator has yet to be determined. (YTBD)
20 4
god damn computer, on my side of the screen shows it being low quality.
anyways this is a green ribbon, a sign of mental health awareness, I want to spread the awareness to prevent further suicide and have ones with depression know they aren't alone, and they are known, (Damn! Dr. Suess?) as in we know their pain and we can be there with them. I suffer Mild Anxiety I have a slight understanding on the anxious ones, I think I also suffer a very VERY small sliver of depression. overall, I want to spread awareness, so we don't suffer more problems every day, the average suicide rate is 18 minutes, every 18 minutes someone commits suicide, I want to bump that up to at least 24 minutes, maybe if it's possible an hour.
20 0
Adolf Rizzler was one of my homies, he handed me his photos before he died, I found one in the shipment
23 4
hey, if I see free to use, imma use it for free! it's always great to take a break every once in a while. not really sure what I was doing but looking at it, it's kinda warming, Whitey's happy, I'm happy, I would figure he wouldn't like anything that's skimpy or like this, but I may be wrong he's happy.
20 3
i find this pretty damn cool.
18 3

Whiteyschetvtory82's slightly older posts

OwO, it's a rare user that hasn't posted!!
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o3o.. tons more posts.

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